Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Profile: Writing Process

I found the writing process to be actually somewhat fun! Since we finished class on Thursday, I was not looking forward to reportage and writing before the deadline Tuesday. I had a million things to do this past weekend (as always) and I honestly wasn't sure that I would be able to fit everything in. But, I tried my hardest, and I got into quick contact with Bruce and set up some times when I could observe and/or interview him. I was able to conduct two interviews with Bruce and an interview with Heather, from the Office of Advancement, before I sat down to write. I was scared at first that even though I got some good interviews, I still didn't really have a theme for my story. I got the idea to talk to Heather from a whim that I should take the story in that direction, and I think that it was a good idea to trust my instincts.

I still wasn't looking forward to writing, though!

The task seemed quite daunting when I was staring at my notes, which ended up amounting to over 10 pages. I tried to create an outline, as Jon Franklin suggested, but from what I had, I couldn't find a problem and a resolution (or at least I thought I couldn't find one). So I ended up just reading over my notes one more time and then sitting down to write. Surprisingly, the words came quickly, and I recognized a theme for myself after only a few minutes. From there, I thought that everything came together really well, despite the fact that I didn't have an outline. I could tell I was writing toward a common theme, which kept me going. I finished the piece and was happy with what I wrote as a draft.

I am looking forward to workshop because I got so much excellent feedback last time.

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